Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Potty Training Days

So we officially have started potty training as of Sunday. Sunday was a so so day and Monday was a complete disaster but Tuesday and today have been great. We have her in underwear all day except for nap and bed and she is staying dry. Trying to get her to pee is a joke but man oh man can this kid poop. She must get that from Daddy. Ha ha! I have this whole week off to establish a routine. I thought when we started on Sunday I was in for a really stressful week with lots of accidents but I must say this has been pretty easy. I could not be a prouder mother and have decided tomorrow we will venture out to do some fall shopping, let's hope for another great day. Emma I just want you to know how proud Mommy and Daddy are and that we love you so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so great! What a big girl you are Emma!
Hope you're enjoying the week off Bri...we need to get together soon!
Love as always <3