Thursday, August 11, 2011

24 weeks pregnant

So Monday I had my 24 wk appointment and got to have another sneak peak at Miss Lily. All is well and she is at the proper weight and length that she should be for 24 weeks. We are just about prepared to have this little one arrive. The crib and dressers will arrive on Saturday and then it is time to paint. Emma and I will be heading out tonight to pick the paint for little Miss Lily. We are trying to involve Emma in as much as possible because she really seems to be into having a little sister. Things are bit tough right now because we are trying to figure out child care for both kids and it is just so expensive so I am not sure what we will do. Other than that all is well in the Yelle household and we are counting the weeks until our little bundle of joy arrives. Here is Miss Lily at 24 weeks.