Monday, April 26, 2010

Birthday Weekend

Emma turned 2 on Saturday. What a great day it was! We had her party at our house with all our family and friends. Again this year the weather was terrific. Emma was so happy to have everyone to celebrate with. She received lots of nice clothes and cool toys. Here are some pictures. Hard to believe she is now two. Today we had our 2 yr well visit. And Emma is doing great. She is very smart for just 2 and extremely tall. She is now 37 1/2 inches tall and 28lbs which is great.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Date for surgery

So as most of you know Emma has had several issues with her ears since day one. She has had ear infection after ear infection and pretty much been living on antibiotics. Finally her pedi decided it was time to see an ENT. We met with the ENT on Monday and it was decided that Emma needs tubes. The surgery is a very basic surgery and she should be back to her normal activities the day after surgery. The surgery is about 12 minutes, the recovery is the longer part of the process. The date for surgery as of right now is May 24th. Robert and I are very nervous but completely confident that she will do just fine. We just can't wait for her to feel better. She told us last night that her ears were still hurting and Robert and I told her it will all be better soon. With the sadest face she said promise it will be better soon. It breaks our heart to know how much pain she is in. We will keep everyone posted on how she makes out and if the date changes. For now let's just focus on her 2nd birthday in 9 days!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

Today was a great day. We started the day off with an egg hunt in the house, then we headed outside to continue. After the egg hunt we had a nice Easter breakfast then it was time to put on our Sunday best and make our rounds to family. We visited with Mamma, Papa, Auntie Kath and Uncle Ben and to Emma's surprise the Easter bunny had stopped there and left 2 baskets full of goodies. After running around with them and enjoying the nice weather it was off to visit Nonna, Gramps, Uncle Jeff and Abbey. Again the Easter bunny had stopped there as well and left another bag of goodies for Emma. We enjoyed a great ham lunch and then enjoyed the nice weather outside. Emma just loves playing with Abbey and it is just so sweet how well they play. Abbey and I played soccer for awhile then she threw the football with Robert. I must say my goddaughter can throw a mean spiral. It was a wonderful day all in all. Here are some great pictures from today,

Friday, April 2, 2010

Preparing for the Easter Bunny

Tonight was a fun night. We had a nice family dinner with Nonna and Gramps and then colored Easter eggs. It was so cute, Emma just kept throwing them into the containers and then taking them out and putting the egg into the next color. Needless to say the eggs are quite colorful. Here are some pictures from a great time!