Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Home from Germany

Well I finally arrived home from Germany on Saturday and boy was I happy to see my family. Robert and Emma were waiting for me at the airport and as soon as I say them both I burst into tears. I missed them so much. I had a great time while away and it was a great learning experience for me but I am sure glad I am home now. I was happy to hear that while I was away everything went really well and Emma did not give Robert any troubles. I just want to Thank God for keeping me and my family safe while I was in Germany. I will share pictures once I have them but what a great place to visit.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

T minus 4 days for Germany

Well in four days I leave for Germany. This will be my first time leaving Emma for so long. As you can imagine by mind is going crazy and I am fighting back tears everyday as it gets closer. I am not looking forward to leaving her even though I know she will be in good hands. My mom has taken the week off to help Robert out and at night she will be with her Daddy. Robert is a great father and I know he'll be fine, but I am just going to miss my family so much. I am looking forward to the experience of traveling with work and the things I will see in Germany but I am glad that this trip will not be one I make often. I just hope that the week goes by quickly and I can get home to see my baby girl, husband and dog. Wish me safe travels and I will post about my trip when I get home. Love to you all!